Celebrating Dr. Richard Barton


When I was researching for the series on video studios I kept coming across a fellow I’m sure we all recognise – he seemed to be here, there and everywhere, popping up at one studio after another.

It is, of course, the one and only Dr. Richard Barton. And woe betides you if you omit the title Doctor.

“Have cane will travel,” might well be his motto. He played the schoolmaster for Sting Pictures, the Brett Stevens studio, Pandora Blake’s Dreams of Spanking, and CP Services, London. He made a guest appearance as a spanking vicar at Mancspank – and I’ve spotted him on the Internet doing what appears to be “private” work.

Since I was unable to pin him down to a single studio, I thought he deserved a special spot for himself. So, today he launches a new occasional series “Celebrating” in which we’ll honour those who have given us so much pleasure over the years but who cannot easily be pigeonholed as a movie, TV drama, artist or what not.

So let’s go. I don’t have Dr. Barton’s c.v. (that’s “resume” to our American cousins) so I can’t chronicle his work in date order – instead, here’s a random selection. Enjoy.

I suspect possibly most of his work was done at Sting Pictures where he was a regular in the days before it quit England.

I can’t be sure if this next one’s from Sting, but it is definitely shot at the home of CP Services, London.

Here’s a clip from Approved Education from Sting Pictures (available to buy here).

Later in his career Dr. Barton took his schoolmasterly skills to the studio set up by Brett Stevens, himself a popular player at Sting in his time.

The following clip (available to buy online) reminds us that like so many schoolmasters Dr. Barton likes the sound of his own voice. Incidentally, he is spanking David, another Sting alumni.

At CP Services, London Dr. Barton gave Jordon an earful while at the same time beating his bare bottom.

We’ve previously seen Dr. Barton in action at Pandora Blake’s Dreams of Spanking – see that here.

I could go on ... and on ... and on; but you can have too much of a good thing.

Thank you dear Dr. Barton for the pleasure you give us all.

For more from the ‘Celebrating’ series, click here

For more in the series Video Studios, click here

Traditional School Discipline



  1. Jordan's white-lined grey flannel shorts were just like the ones I wore in the 1950s till I was twelve and a half. (I wish I'd worn them for at least another year.) How exciting that Jordan's had to be taken down for his caning - an experience which I never experienced.

  2. I meant to say "an experience which I never had."


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