Favourite TV Drama Clips: 18


Shine on Harvey Moon, a television drama from the 1980s, is Number 18 in my all-time Top 20 school CP clips from TV dramas.

It is set in the years following World War Two and involves Harvey who has been demobbed from the Royal Air Force and is finding it difficult to get back into the swing of civilian life.

In this scene Harvey and his estranged wife Rita take their son Stanley for an interview to try to get him enrolled in an upscale Church of England Grammar School.

They hear a boy being caned and then we see this exchange between the boy and the headmaster.

‘Thank you very much, Sir,’

‘All part of the service, Roper.’

Pictures and video credits: Witzend Productions and Central Television for ITV.

For more TV drama, click here

For Movie Clips, click here

Traditional School Discipline



  1. That’s a very decent cane. A rare whangee model


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