CP Services, London : update

Recently, I applauded Keith who was a “professional headmaster” at his home and made videos as CP Services, London. Many people contacted me to agree how great the vids were and to lament that you couldn’t get them anymore.

It seems Keith has been called to the Great Headmaster’s Study in the Sky. He retired with ill health in 2013 and sold off much of his equipment (he had a “punishment room” as well as a study). But, I still don’t know what happened to the green armchair.

At least two of his videos are online; Anderson caught cheating and Boys Will Be Boys, episode 2. They appear to have been uploaded by fans rather than anyone connected with CPS itself. A word of caution if you go looking for these; the site contains some very ripe adverts.

I went through my personal collection and found I have more than 60 CPS videos set at school. There are also a lot of “domestic” scenes filmed at his house.

I still don’t know what I am allowed to do with these videos (e.g. does anyone still own the copyright now that Keith is no longer with us?) I’ll keep at it.

Meanwhile, here’s a preview / trailer clip CP Services put out for the aforementioned Boys Will Be Boys.

For more on CP Services, London, click here

Traditional School Discipline



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