Jimmy Edwards: Whip-O!
Jimmy Edwards,
playing the role of a headmaster in a BBC TV comedy Whack-O!,
became a bit of a cultural icon in the UK in the 1950s and 60s.
Pictures of him in traditional cap and
gown and brandishing a curve-handled cane have been used to this day to
illustrate pieces on corporal punishment in schools.
The TV show treated the cane as a bit of a
joke and although he flexed it and probably swished it a bit I don’t think he
actually ever used it for its intended purpose. They also did a feature-length
film called Bottoms Up
on the same theme.
That makes this photograph sent to me by a
reader of this blog even more intriguing. It shows Jimmy Edwards in the guise
of a headmaster but rather than brandishing a cane he holds a bullwhip of some
The photo is a publicity still from the
BBC and this copy was distributed by the Central Press Association in August
1958. There is no information about what is going on in the photo.
Below are some more familiar ones with
Jimmy Edwards and that cane. As an aside: there was also a board game based on
the TV show that included drawings of Jimmy Edwards flexing his cane and a
small boy bent over a chair.
The TV series has, I think, been mostly
lost, but there is one full episode on YouTube here.
To read more on Whack-O!
click here.
Traditional School
So enjoyable at the time, and he always had a decent set of canes.