CPS: Rugby Practice


Roberts and Simmons deliberately play badly at rugby practice so their sports master Mr O’Connell sends them to the Headmaster.

Here’s another adult role-play video from the vaults of the defunct CP Services, London studio. The Headmaster, played by Keith, sees through the boys’ game and has no hesitation in dealing with them in (to his view at least) the appropriate manner. Down come the rugby shorts and over his knee they go, and then out comes the strap.

We met Simmons before here

For more clips and stills from CPS London, click here

Traditional School Discipline



  1. Very nice! Not seen Roberts before as far as I can remember.

    1. This is the first time he has appeared on this blog, but he will reappear ....

  2. Robert’s is new to me too. Both boys got a fairly mild taste of the strap there yet seemed to make a lot of fuss about it.

    1. Simmons always makes a fuss. The site has several clips of him reacting while being punished. He is unfortunately also in the wonderful trouble in prep clip as second of the four being caned and is the least stolic of them all. Roberts may have thought making a noise would make headmaster Keith go easier on him. By the sound of it there are other clips where I am sure Keith guides him to take a much firmer dose of cp.


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