Pinprick ruse backfires
One enterprising youngster
received a stroke of the cane across his hand as punishment and two hours
later, shortly before school closed, he was seen picking his hand with a pin to
make it bleed. He had intended to tell his parents that the Master had done it.
The Master found out and punished him again in front of the whole school.
This was one of the entries
found in the school punishment book of Grewelthorpe, a village school in north
Yorkshire, England.
Until corporal punishment was
outlawed in 1987 schools had to keep records in a book of all physical
punishments meted out.
Extracts from the punishment
book at Grewelthorpe are online
as part of a history of the village.
Offences that were punishable
by the cane included: using bad language, indecency, telling lies, kicking and
fighting and smoking, among numerous other ‘crimes’
Among entries revealed were: T.
G. shook his fist at Miss Dale and used obscene language. He was caned
twice on each hand and 4 times on his seat before the whole school.
Girls as well as boys were
also caned:
E. P. had been circulating amongst the children papers on
which were written figures which were easily construed into obscene words. She
was punished severely.
More examples are on the
Grewelthorpe village website
Picture credit: Unknown
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