TV Drama: School Play 3


Here’s the third extract from School Play, the BBC TV drama that was broadcast in November 1979 and seems to have vanished completely since.

In clip 2 the younger boys (all played by adult actors) had played up to a monitor (prefect) and one made a cheeky remark. When called upon to do so, no boy owns up.

In this scene, the monitors are in their study and they believe that Tony Younger (played by Richard Morant) is the culprit and they call him to the study and threaten him with a ‘bumming’

Incidentally, Morant was the actor who played Flashman in the BBC TV adaptation of Tom Brown’s School Days and we saw him being flogged here.

For more extracts from School Play, click here.

Here’s a larger version of the same clip.

Picture and video credits: BBC TV


For more TV drama, click here

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For more items involving Prefects, click here


Traditional School Discipline


  1. So I take it that "bumming" was a real term that was used? I'm not British but I've read & seen quite a bit & I've never heard the term before. Of course I've read and heard the word "bum" used plenty by British gents, as slang for the butt. "Bumming" is new to me though, & sounds very sexual, to be frank.

  2. I suspect that 'bumming' was made up by the author: it's not a term I've come across anywhere else and I think by making up a set of slang (eg also 'grunts') the author was satirising the whole public school world, which features all kinds of slang at each different school.

  3. Where I come from in the UK, bumming means anal intercourse between two males.

  4. If you’re interested in schoolboy slang for beatings, caning etc, here’s a useful post


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