The Headmaster’s Diary
Original Fiction – for adult eyes only
This is a companion piece to the story
Twice In One Day (read
it here) which is a diary entry made by a sixth-form grammar school boy in
1964 recounting how he and two pals were caned for the first time by their
This new story recounts the same
incident from the headmaster’s point of view as recorded in his diary.
May 5, 1964
Today has been a rather uneventful day at
St. George’s Grammar School in that nothing untoward happened, save for the
fact that I was obliged to beat three sixth-form boys. Canings are frequent and
each lunchtime finds a queue of miscreants waiting in trepidation outside my
study door. Usually, they are junior boys and very occasionally a fifth-former
might be in the mix. But having Upper Sixth boys in the line is unheard of.
They had been spotted outside the school
premises without permission. Only yesterday at assembly I had impressed on the
whole school that leaving without permission would not be tolerated. We are
responsible for the well-being of our boys at all times and having them roaming
around the town is unacceptable.
So, here we had blatant disregard for my
explicit ruling. What could I do? What did they expect?
I summoned them to my study. They stood
before me, shoulders slumped, eyes cast downwards, perhaps anticipating the
consequence of their actions, each one with an expression that mingled fear and
It was with a heavy heart that I explained
the gravity of their transgression and the necessity of maintaining discipline
within the school. They did not respond and I think this was a silent
recognition that they had erred and deserved a punishment.
I firmly believe that caning, when
administered judiciously and with compassion, serves a vital role in instilling
discipline and responsibility.
I suspect my boys believe that I rather
enjoy caning bottoms, but to beat a boy is not a decision I take lightly: it is
a necessary measure to correct their behaviour and mould them into responsible
citizens. Some may argue that it’s a harsh method, but I firmly believe that it
has its place in maintaining discipline and order within our school. The cane
can serve as a deterrent and a reminder of the consequences of one’s actions.
I confess that I know very few of the boys
at St George’s. It is the nature of my job that I only get to see the star
pupils when they receive glittering prizes and the abominably behaved who are
sent to me to have their backsides tanned. The vast majority of the boys go
unnoticed by me.
I knew nothing of the three boys standing
before me save that they were senior boys, all aged eighteen, and therefore not
really children at all. Legally they do not become adults until they are
twenty-one, but there was little doubt that these were far from boys.
If, for example, you saw Cummings in the
street not wearing school uniform you could easily take him for a young office
worker or as an undergraduate student in his early twenties. I was made aware
of this when he bent across the back of the armchair to offer me his buttocks.
They were fine, firm and meaty and presented me with an ample target. So
different from the scrawny, pert cheeks I usually see.
As I contemplated administering the caning,
I found myself torn between the belief in the efficacy of such measures and a
lingering discomfort with the act itself. It is not without some regret that I
admit a certain satisfaction in delivering measured strokes to bottoms. The
ritualistic nature of it all, the authority it lends, it is almost as if the
process is a necessary evil to maintain order and obedience.
I must confess that as I took the cane in
hand, I felt a mixture of reluctance and responsibility. It is no secret that I
am a firm believer in the value of corporal punishment, when administered
judiciously and with the utmost care. The cane has been a symbol of discipline
and correction for generations, even with older boys. I couldn't help but think
about the value of corporal punishment in an educational setting. While some
may argue that it’s cruel and inhumane, I believe it teaches a valuable lesson
in responsibility and consequences. These young men must learn that their
actions had repercussions, and six hard strokes of the cane would leave a
lasting impression.
It is not my wish to cause pain
unnecessarily, but rather to guide these young men towards a path of
responsibility and respect for authority. In times such as these, when
discipline in society seems to be eroding, it becomes our duty as educators to
maintain the standards upon which our society is built.
As the headmaster, I recognize the
importance of maintaining order and upholding the values of our esteemed
While I do believe in the power of corporal
punishment to enforce discipline, today, I must admit, there was an unfamiliar
twinge of anticipation as I contemplated administering the caning. I felt a
strange mixture of duty and perhaps, I dare say, a hint of satisfaction in the
prospect of disciplining them. My belief in the value of corporal punishment is
unwavering; it is a time-tested method that has produced generations of
respectful young men.
With this in mind, I took up my position to
Cummings’s left. He is a tall, broad boy and although the chair is rather large
he had some difficulty presenting himself to me and I had to offer instructions.
Eventually, he spread his legs and bent his knees and in this attitude he was
able to rest his stomach over the apex of the chair’s back. In this way his
buttocks were presented at exactly the correct height and angle for strokes
from my cane. His trousers rode up against his large, firm buttocks seemingly
lifting and separating each cheek. It was a terrific target.
I took my time. It mattered little to me
that there were still boys in the passageway waiting their turn. Nor, was I
concerned that the lunch hour was nearly at an end. There is always a certain
ritual with a headmaster’s caning and I saw no reason to hurry matters. Perhaps
Cummings was in no hurry either, hoping to put off the pain for as long as
I stood by the boy, flexed my cane
thoughtfully between my hands and swished it a couple of times for good
measure. I was aware of Cummings’s two partners in crime standing by the wall
watching the proceedings. Call me an old ham if you must but I did enjoy
ratcheting up the tension. I sawed the cane across the centre of Cummings’s
amble globes and noticed his body tense as it anticipated the first stroke.
Tap-tap-tap went my cane as I found my aim. Then, I lifted it to shoulder
height, counted silently to three and then returned it with terrific force
against the stretched grey trousers inviting me. A white line immediately
appeared in the Terylene, or whatever material they make schoolboys’ trousers
from these days. I admired my shot. Bingo! It had landed exactly where I had
Cummings’s knees straightened and his feet
stomped. It had hurt him. It had hurt him a great deal. I have caned many boys
– perhaps hundreds – in my school career and I have learned that you never can
tell how a boy will react. Sometimes the smallest, thinnest chap will take a
severe beating stoically without the least fuss. Other times a big chunky lad –
a rugby forward perhaps – will howl and jump about at the softest touch.
Cummings fell some place in between. My
first stroke clearly hurt him and his body wanted to demonstrate just how much
pain he felt, but he managed to control himself. He wasn’t going to give me the
satisfaction of knowing I had hurt him.
Frankly, I didn’t care. It was clear my
first stroke had struck home well. There would certainly be a welt forming
underneath his white cotton Y-fronts. By the time I had finished he would have
a burning backside and a set of marks that would take many days to fade. And,
that’s how it should be. What is the point of going to all this trouble if an
exemplary lesson is not learned?
I counted to twenty in my head and then
tap-tap-taped his bottom again, this time about an inch below where the first
stroke had landed. Crack! Cummings let out a long sigh, wind escaped through
clenched teeth, sounding somewhat like one of the steam trains coming into
Brocklehurst Station.
After the fourth stroke had landed Cummings
was wriggling and writhing over the back of the chair and gripping hold of the
seat cushion as if his life depended on it. From my position at his rear, I
could see his neck was bright red (as indeed was his bottom) and sweat soaked
his shirt collar. Yes, he was feeling this deserved beating. That would teach
him to disobey my explicit instructions.
So, three sixth-formers went across my
armchair. With measured strokes, I administered the caning, targeting their
bottoms to ensure the lesson was not lost on them. As each stroke landed, I noted
with satisfaction the involuntary flinches and muffled exclamations, and there
was something oddly satisfying in seeing their faces contort with pain.
I administered the caning, careful to
strike with enough force to convey the gravity of their actions, yet not so
harshly as to cause undue harm. It was not a task I relished, but one I
believed was necessary for the greater good of these young men and the school
As they left my study, heads hung low, I
couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction for the pain I had inflicted. I
must, of course, clarify that my gratification did not arise from cruelty but
from the belief that this experience would steer these young men toward a path
of responsibility and adherence to the rules that govern our institution. I
want nothing more than for them to grow into honourable members of society.
Picture credit: Unknown
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