A curious play
Here’s a curiosity that
frankly I know very little about. It’s an amateur video of a scene from a play
in which adults presumably playing schoolchildren are caned by someone who
might (or might not) be a schoolmaster.
It apparently comes from a
Slovakian TV series called (I think) Popaterce na nas. Judging from the
audience laughter this might be a comedy play aimed at kids.
And that’s as far as I can help you on this one. Except to say it was sent to me by a reader of this blog who discovered it on the ‘found scenes’ blogsite.
If you want to try and make more
sense of it, the whole episode is on YouTube here
School Discipline
Quite bizarre and I also have no idea quite what it is about. Translation of its title is apparently 'Look at Us' and it does appear to be a parody of some kind and clearly meant to be humourous although rather odd.