Movie: Flirting


Flirting is an Australian coming-of-age comedy drama film set in 1965 written and directed by John Duigan. Danny Embling is an awkward 17-year-old who has been sent away by his parents to the all-male St. Albans boarding school in rural New South Wales, Australia, in the hopes he won’t become a delinquent.

It is a strict school and the opening scenes the boys are lined up outside the housemaster’s study to be called in one at a time. They each get a severe caning across the seat of their pyjamas. Later back in the dormitory they compare their stripes and take a photograph. (This seemed to be a common global reaction to a boarding school caning, the lads in Spud – set in South Africa – did something similar.)

The Warner film is available to stream online.


Pictures and movie credits: Warner


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