TV Drama: School Play 6
The BBC TV drama School Play is reaching its climax. In this final extended extract, school Monitor Geoffrey Treasure staggers back from the pub having been rebuffed (for now) by kitchen maid Poppy. Meanwhile, the monitors have banned younger boys from playing ping-pong, but three of them, Rose, Younger and Forshawe, sneak out of bed after lights-out to play.
There is an unfortunate coming together of
Treasure, the three boys and the Monitor Perkins which sets off a chain of
events that upsets the power structure in the House and results in three junior
boys getting a ‘bumming’.
All the boys are played by adult actors.
For more extracts from School Play,
click here.
Here’s a larger version of the same clip.
Picture and video credits: BBC TV
more items involving Prefects, click here
Given the pacing of the earlier instalments this seemed a rather rushed storyline but a novel offering overall nonetheless.