Thick-Ear Donovan and the McGrew Boys


Thick-Ear Donovan was a series of school stories with plots so implausible we needn’t trouble with them. He first appeared in The Wizard in 1933. The stories were repeated more than a decade later in 1950 in The Rover.

Thick-Ear Donovan – so-called because he has a large ‘cauliflower’ ear – is teaching at a small school in England when he is recruited to be the only master at Moose Springs School in Northwest Canada. Later, he moves to a school in Poison Valley.

His pupils whose ages range from five to eighteen are the sons of miners, ranchers and trappers. They don’t like school and they need a strong man to handle them.

In this episode from the Wizard 14 April 1934 Thick-Ear arrives for the first time at the school in Poison Valley and is confronted by four McGraw brothers, “four untamed demons, who needed drastic and unusual treatment.”


As Thick-Ear turned away to the blackboard, Dolan McGraw let fly. He missed. The bean hit the blackboard, and bounced to the other side of the room. Ezekiel let fly. He missed. Jewkes let fly. He missed. Then the youngest brother, Shamus, took the catapult.

“Watch me!” he exulted, and let fly.

Whing! Thick-Ear had opened his mouth to begin a sentence on a simple arithmetic lesson when the bean came hissing through the air, and stung the point of his nose like an angry hornet.

“Haw, haw, haw!” roared the McGraws.

“Step down here, Shamus McGraw,” said Thick-Ear quietly. He produced his cane and stood waiting.


Go to the Comicbookplus website for editions of The Wizard (here) and The Rover (here).

For more extracts from comics and story papers, click here

Traditional School Discipline


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