Favourite School CP Movie Clips: 5


We are now into the Top Five of my all-time favourite school corporal punishment scenes from mainstream movies and if I’m totally honest there’s not much more than the width of a cigarette paper to choice between any of them. But it’s been great fun trying to come up with a list.

Here at number five is Monk Dawson, a story about Edward Dawson who is sent by his widowed mother to be educated at Kirkham, an English Catholic boarding school run by Benedictine monks. He soon realises he has ‘feelings’ for a younger pupil. He confides in his housemaster, a priest, who concludes that it must be nipped in the bud. And the way to do that is with six strokes of the cane which he administers with some strength and seemingly a little satisfaction.

The film is based on a novel by Piers Paul Read, but it doesn’t follow the text faithfully. You can read the corporal punishment scene from the book here.

Picture and video credit: de Warrenne Pictures.

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Traditional School Discipline



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