Favourite School CP Movie Clips: 11


P’tang, Yang, Kipperbang is another gentle very English movie about schooldays. This one is set in 1948 and comes in at number 11in my personal all-time favourite school corporal punishment scenes from mainstream movies.

It is the story of Alan Duckworth, and in this clip he is in gym class with a tyrannical PE teacher. He is called to the headmaster’s study and reluctant to appear in just his gym shorts, he asks permission to go put on a pair of underpants. The PE teacher refuses.

Look out for more of my favourite top 20 movie clips in coming weeks.


Picture and movie credits: Enigma Television for Channel 4 Television


For more Movie Clips, click here

For TV drama, click here


Traditional School Discipline



  1. One of my favourite caning scenes too - excellent.


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