CP Services: Harrison is back


Harrison is in the headmaster’s study again. That can mean only one thing. This adult role-play scene is from CP Services, London and Keith once more plays the stern headmaster.

The clip is very straightforward and therefore seems all the more realistic.

We met the studio previously here. We have also met Harrison before here.

For more clips and stills from CPS London, click here

Traditional School Discipline



  1. You notice his shirt tail is pulled out to reduce the protection.

  2. Very realistic and great clip just showing how routine punishment was back then. The six strokes were given in 15 seconds not harshly but firmly applied by headmaster Keith. The comments on shirt not tucked will have resonated with many of the readers when teachers would pick you up on any uniform violation, loose tie, top button not done up, and blazer collar being up as we thought it made us look harder! While that caning will have striped and will sting for some time both of them had the knowledge Harrison would be back in the study before too long. While some punishment was more drawn out and formal most of the time it was just called in , one or two line rollicking and the caning applied (thankfully my headmaster normally gave 3/4 rather than Keith who always gives six)and you were sent back out , while it seemed to take a lot longer at the time you can now see how the headmaster could clear the small queue outside his study (anything from just another one to 6/ to 9 waiting) at mid break in the 15/20 minutes and ensure everyone was free for when lessons restarted.

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