School to stop spanking pupils on their birthdays after parents complain

A Texas elementary school takes action after receiving complaints, saying pupils can choose a hug or high five instead.

A school in Texas is going to stop spanking its pupils on their birthdays after parents complained about the “special celebration”.

Superintendent of the local independent school district, Dr Randy Brown, said the headteacher at Alvord Elementary School had decided “on her own accord to discontinue the tradition.”

In an earlier letter the principal, Bridget Williams, wrote to parents to make clear that the practice was optional.

She said that if parents would prefer their child to “not receive birthday spankings” they should “please write and send the office a handwritten note”.

Explaining the practice, Ms Williams said a pupil may “receive birthday spankings along with a birthday/special day pencil and a piece of candy”.

Any student who rejected a spanking has the option of a hug or a high five.

As published on Sky News website, 9 May 2018.

Picture credit: The Simpsons.

Traditional School Discipline


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