Trouble in Prep: CP Services


Since I started this blog I have been going on about CP Services, London and how its videos have all but disappeared from view. I have a collection that I bought more than a decade ago, but I have no idea if anyone owns the copyright.

One CPS story that has survived online in various forms is Trouble in Prep. It is a simple tale of four “boys” who have (off screen) been misbehaving and are marched by Keith to the headmaster’s study. There, they are called in one-by-one and ordered to touch toes. Then they receive an efficient six strokes across the backside before: “Stand up. Send in the next boy.”

I know from comments I’ve read online that many people recognise this scenario from their own experience. The whole thing is straightforward and unfussy. And authentic.

There are four “boys”: Simmons and Mark we have met before, but I don’t recall seeing Edwards or Davis in other videos.

Nit-pickers among us might notice that the furniture in the study moves.

For more clips and stills from CPS London, click here

Traditional School Discipline


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Trouble in Prep. Superb Clip. 10/10 …..

  3. London CP services were at excellent outlet for proper English discipline, sadly missed online now.


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