Movie: Fatty Finn


Fatty Finn, a 1980 Australian children’s movie (based on a comic strip), is set in 1930 Woolloomooloo, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. After winning a frog race by feeding rival frogs (and a cane toad ring-in) grasshoppers doped with sherry, Fatty Finn turns up to school on the 1st May 1930 to listen to his teacher talk about the Eureka Stockade and make screeching noises with his chalk on the blackboard.

But school is a distraction for Fatty – he’s really very thin – who is a leader of a local gang of kids always in conflict with Bruiser Murphy and his gang.

The caning scene is played for laughs, but if it were for real it would be brutal …

Picture and video credits: Children’s Film Corporation, Australian Film Commission, Finn Productions. 

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