Teacher with paddle can handle tough teens

An overwhelming number of adults in the United States believed school discipline was lax.

A Gallup poll in 1959 suggested that more than six in ten parents would allow grade school teachers the right to punish students by paddling them. A total of 65 percent said discipline was not severe enough.

As published in the San Angelo Standard-Times (Texas, United States), 18 January 1959.

Picture credit: Generated by Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

Traditional School Discipline




  1. It's interesting the way the whole article is phrased. According to the poll, "most adults" think that discipline is too lax. And that teachers should be able to paddle kids. But this is 1959, so in most U.S. states, teachers *are* (already) able to paddle kids?

    The other interesting thing. Is asking whether laws in the U.S. should be altered to resemble some "whippings" laws supposedly happening in the UK. I might have misunderstood but I think judicially ordered whippings didn't really happen in the UK by 1959? Were they thinking of the Isle of Man? If so, describing it as "some cities in England" was misleading.


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