Caning is its own reward, says Auberon Waugh


Auberon Waugh, the writer and social commentator, says, ‘When I was 15 and going through a mildly rebellious phase, I held the school record at Downside – perhaps I still do – for 14 canings in one term. I am not claiming they did me no harm – others must judge – merely that I found them disagreeable.’

He goes on, ‘My point is to query whether the cane actually works. Nearly all my canings were for offences connected with smoking. I still smoke.’

With his tongue in his cheek (I assume) he also says, ‘My late father, who was briefly a schoolmaster, used to aver that the only joy he found in that dismal employment was from beating boys. Is this a pleasure to be discouraged? Teaching is not well paid, but somebody has to do it. Why should we begrudge that minority of teachers their small comfort?’

As published in Sunday Telegraph (UK), 3 November 1996

Picture credit: Sting Pictures.


Traditional School Discipline


  1. Here is a tightly stretched buttock positioned awkwardly over the back of a chair on to the table beyond. The teacher has found the middle - and if only we could see a video - and is, we presume, enjoying hitting it hard.


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