Boys Say principal made them Paddle Each Other


The principal of Westwood Lake Elementary School was accused Sunday of forcing two 10-year-old students to whack each other on the buttocks with a wooden paddle for fighting in class.

R. W. Miller conceded he had ordered the youths to paddle each other last Thursday but contended it was “not done with malice or any intent to harm or damage ”

The youths Gary Stokes, 4525 SW 112th PI., and Greg Davis, 610 SW 115th Ave, still bore black and blue marks from the paddling Saturday when their parents first discovered they had been punished.

Dr Joe Hall, superintendent of schools, said Sunday he had not heard of the incident. He asked time to investigate the matter before commenting.

However while corporal punishment is permitted when parents give their consent Hall said he “thought it would he out of line” for a principal or teacher to order students to paddle each other.

Hall said that if the boys’ parents hadn’t given the school’s authorities permission to punish their children Miller “probably did the wrong thing.”

William A O’Neill, stepfather of young Stokes, said neither he nor the boy’s mother, Virginia, had ever given such permission “and we never will.”

Mrs Davis said she had given the school permission to spank her son, “but they had promised not to hurt him.”

Late Sunday Miller visited the parents of both boys and apologized for his actions and guaranteed “it wouldn't happen again.” The parents indicated they would not press any charges against Miller.

Miller, a veteran of 21 years In school work, admitted be might have made a “hasty decision” and “if it was wrong then it has to be wrong.”

The youths said Miller spanked them each on the buttocks once “with a long wooden paddle” and then ordered them to take turns whacking each other. They said the punishment lasted about 10 minutes .They said they were advised by Miller “to snap your wrist and make it sting.”

The fourth graders also told their parents that Milled told them that if they didn't hit each other hard he would take over because “I can hit harder.”

Picture credit: Unknown.

Extracted from The Miami Herald (Florida, United States), 20 May 1957.
