The exam cheat

 Original Fiction – for adult eyes only

If I close my eyes I can see everything, as if I was there. Me, eighteen-years-old, in the headmaster’s study. A convicted exam cheat.

It’s 1955 and St Michael’s is an institution steeped in tradition and values: discipline, academic excellence, and authority.

I stand, awkwardly, a little ashamed, uncertain. It is summer and outside the sun shines brightly. Inside the study is gloomy. The walls are decked with dark, wood-panelled wainscoting, and above that, deep, hunter green wallpaper with a subtle pattern.

A large, ornate fireplace with a heavy wooden mantelpiece dominates one wall, with a mirror above it.

I stand before the headmaster’s desk. It is a grand imposing piece of furniture, made of dark, polished mahogany or oak. Although not substantial in size, it is undoubtedly heavy. It would take a gang of men to move it from its position, symbolising as it does the authority of the headmaster and the traditions of the school. There is a leather writing pad on its surface, and a brass desk lamp with a green glass shade.

The headmaster sits behind the desk and glares a me. He is in a sturdy, well-cushioned, high-backed leather chair. Behind me is an armchair that looks like it might be comfortable for visitors, but I know it also plays a less-comfortable role for pupils in dramas that play out in the study. The armchair’s back is very high, but its padded arms are just right to accommodate a boy’s torso, even the most senior like myself.

The headmaster berates me but I don’t listen. I suppose it’s a mixture of shame and fear that makes me stare over his shoulder. I see the rack affixed to the wall, with three whippy, well-polished canes that hang there.

It started one evening, when I was wandering through the dimly lit passageways of the school. I’m not the sporting type so the cricket pitch and athletic track hold no attraction. I like to be on my own and I knew that the school building would probably be empty until it was time for bed.

By chance as I passed the top of the passage that goes to the headmaster’s study I noticed his door was ajar. I stood, listening, I’m not sure what I expected to hear, but in fact I heard nothing. I was both intrigued and excited; The study was both a place of awe and dread for pupils, mostly because of the headmaster’s fearsome canes that had seen much use over the years.

With the proverbial heart in mouth, I tiptoed closer to the open door. The headmaster was not at home. I peeked from the door and saw his grand desk, its surface piled with stacks of exam papers, waiting to be graded. That gave me an idea.

I have no excuse for what I did. I suppose if I’m honest I would put it down to my own laziness. I studied as little as possible and always searched for the easiest way to avoid work. I decided I’d come back to the headmaster’s study one night and peek at the upcoming exam papers. If I knew the questions in advance I could pass the exam with minimal effort.

It was surprisingly easy. St Michael’s has an honour code, of sorts. It is not written down but all pupils and masters know it. Nobody expects a pupil to break into the headmaster’s study to steal from it.

After lights out and so under the cover of darkness, I carefully eased the lock of the headmaster’s study (it was a very easy thing to do). Once inside with heart pounding with anxiety, I tiptoed to the desk and rifled through the papers. I carefully noted down the exam questions on a small piece of paper before making an escape.

I did make the effort to study the stolen questions and I was well-prepared to ace the exams.

After the exams concluded, the headmaster began the arduous task of grading the papers. Days passed, and with tremendous confidence, I was eager to receive his results.

That was until this afternoon and the headmaster has summoned me to the study. ‘Baldcock,’ he begins, his voice stern and unyielding. ‘I have received information about your actions prior to the exams.’

A chill runs down my spine as the headmaster continues, ‘You have betrayed the trust of this institution and your fellow pupils.’

The headmaster waves a set of exam papers from a previous year. The questions are identical to the ones I had stolen. The headmaster intones, ‘Cheating is a grave offense and will not be tolerated at St Michael’s.’

I watch as he rises from his throne-like chair. He is an imposing figure. I don’t suppose he is much older than fifty and his tall, wiry figure towers over me. His academic gown is made of rich, black fabric with flowing sleeves, and adorned with the academic regalia denotes his qualifications and position. A mortarboard, a flat, square cap with a tassel, rests on top of his head.

He keeps me waiting as he turns his back and studies the rack on the wall. There are three rattan, whippy canes, each between three and four-feet long. I can see them clearly and I can’t detect much difference between them. The headmaster clearly thinks otherwise because he takes down each in turn and thoughtfully flexes them between his hands. Maybe one is denser than another. Each cane bends easily; they are maybe between a quarter and a half inch in circumference. After this, he swipes one through the air. The cane makes a terrific whoosh as it flies sending a chill down my spine.

After much deliberation he finds his weapon of choice and he walks steadily towards the centre of the study. He stops at the armchair and turns to me. ‘You have betrayed the trust of your pupils, your teachers, and this institution. Cheating is an affront to the very values we hold dear at St Michael’s.’

Without warning, he grips the cane and strikes it against the arm of the chair, making a menacing sound that echoes through the room. He looks at me through his eyeglasses and then he removes them. Only now can I see the icy stare of his cold grey eyes. His face is set grim, he taps the cane against his trouser leg, looks at the grand leather armchair and them at me. My heart races.

He wobbles the cane, pointing it at the chair, ‘Bend over the chair.’ A surge of relief sweeps over me, I had half expected he would instruct me to lower my trousers. I had committed a heinous crime; I wouldn’t have been surprised to be caned on the bare. I take a step towards the chair. The arm is large and padded but nonetheless quite low. I bend my legs and ease myself forward. I arch my back, tuck my legs into the chair and in so doing raise my bottom high. My groin presses against the firm structure of the chair’s arm, and my toes rest at an angle on the carpeted floor.

My nose presses into the seat cushion, a mixture of dust and stale perspiration tickles my nostrils. Absurdly, I wonder if I am going to sneeze (as if I don’t have more serious matters to be concerned about). I cannot see a thing but I hear floorboards creek as the headmaster seems to be pacing across the study. In time he stops and I sense him taking up a position close to the chair. This is confirmed when I feel a slight tap of the cane across my bottom. I cannot see my self, of course, but I feel my trousers tight against my legs and now fit snuggly around my buttocks. My underpants seem to have ridden up into my crack.

The tapping continues for a second before I feel the cane being drawn away from my bum. Before I have much time to think about it, I hear a tremendous swish, followed by a crack! as the cane connects with my stretched bottom. There’s an explosion of pain but before I have time to worry about that the cane lands again, striking about a half-inch below the first. There’s a double wave of agony with the second cut not quite outdoing the first. It is rather like throwing a large stone into a pond and then a smaller one.

The pain radiates from my bottom and travels at speed up and down my legs. Now, the headmaster allows a moment or two for me to feel the full force of the two swipes. I bite down on my lower lip to stop the gasping ‘Owwwww!’ that my body demands I make.

Then the headmaster gives another double-whack, both stripes lower than the others. I feel a band of pain a couple of inches wide burning under the seat of my trousers. It hurts like crazy and I have never experienced such pain before. I hear heavy breathing behind me and the floorboards creaking once more. I think the headmaster needs a short rest between his exertions.

This time me time to wriggle and writhe. My knees are bent but that can’t stop me kicking my legs out behind me as if this will stop the pain presently shooting up and down them. I wait nervously for the next two. After those I am stomping my feet, wriggling my hips flailing my arms and now unable to stop uttering a long stream of ‘aaaaggghhhhhs’

The cane continues to swish behind me. I’ve already taken Six but it seems the headmaster is not satisfied yet. How can I get him to stop, how can I say I’m sorry and promise never to cheat again. How can I do this? I can’t. The headmaster is not interested in hearing my remorse; not yet anyway. My bum feels like I’ve sat on a hot stove and my caning is not over yet.

Another two bounce of my backside, and by the time twelve strokes bounce off my backside tears flow freely and snot drips from my nose. I am eighteen years old but in a couple of minutes the headmaster has reduced me to a sniveling five-year-old kid.

I hear more creaking floorboards as the headmaster strolls across the study, then the cupboard door opens and the cane replaced alongside its companions. The creaking resumes and the headmaster is once again close to me. ‘You may stand,’ he says pompously and utterly hurt and humiliated I struggle to an upreight position. My backside is alight and even without rubbing my hands over my cheeks (which I deseperately want to do but know this must wait until I am away from the study) I can feel several thick welts throbbing under my white Y-fronts.

I am a beaten boy. A cheat who has disgraced myself and my school. A cad of the first order. I want to show the headmaster I have recognised this. I offer him my right hand to shake ‘Thank you sir, I thoroughly deserved that,’ I say with as much dignity as the present circumstances allow. Surprised by my gesture, the headmaster reluctantly takes my hand and offers me a weak handshake. ‘You may leave,’ he says and I made my way unsteadily to the door.

I had closed my eyes so I could see everything, as if I was there. Then, without warning the ringtone of my phone sings. I check the caller identity, it is my wife, and I know she will be calling to tell me what time she will be back from the office. I put down the copy of the story paper I was reading and hope I still have time for a shower and to change my soiled underpants.


Picture credit: Generated by Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)


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