Schoolmaster who had 12 canes in the classroom applauded by his boys

Schoolmaster who at one time had 12 canes of varying strength and thickness in his classroom, retires to vigorous applause from former pupils ...

 Old Boys Applaud

At ‘Cane’ Memories


A “MR. CHIPS” who used to be noted for his discipline, and at one time had 12 canes of varying strength and thickness in his classroom, told old boys of Spon Gate School, Coventry, last night [20 July 1951]: “Now there is only one cane in the school – and it is no good. It’s broken.”

The old boys – more than 200 of them had gathered for a presentation concert in honour of their old master, Mr. S. Torrance, to mark his retirement – applauded vigorously when he added: “I think you all gained something from the discipline of the old days.”

One old boy called back: “The best lesson of our life, sir.”

Somewhat sadly, Mr. Torrance added: “Things are different now and one must change with the times – but not necessarily agree with them.”

Mr Torrance retires next week after 40 years at the school, latterly as its head teacher.

Extracted from Coventry Evening Telegraph, 21 July 1951.

Picture credit: The Rover

Traditional School Discipline


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