Headmaster doesn’t know where to buy himself a school cane

Who knew it but some headmasters found it difficult to purchase a school cane? Apparently, there was a time when they were on sale in every toy shop. Toy shop? But, alas this was no longer the case. In an article in the Birmingham Post in October 1958 ‘Mercian’ discussed the problem faced by a local headmaster.

Then, scroll down to a report from twenty years later to see where the Greater London Council purchased 4,000 (yes four thousand!) of the blighters.

Truly, you couldn’t make it up.

Canes on sale in modern Malaysia. Picture credit: Unknown 

 A cane for the cupboard

Talk of the Midlands, with Mercian

In the days of our youth canes could be bought – and were – at more or less every toy shop.

It always seemed that their presence cast a shadow over the place, particularly when they were hanging up in full view.

Nowadays, things are very different. The headmaster of a Birmingham school who wanted a cane and has experimented with one or two quite ineffective substitutes was rapidly coming to the conclusion that buying one was cloak-and-dagger operation.

His staff, as well as he himself, had been on the look-out, had made enquiries at toy shops and in local markets without any success.

They had even been advised not to say what they wanted it for but to pretend that it was for a play.

The headmaster, incidentally, is far from being the flogging type. He simply holds the view, subscribed to by a good many teachers, that caning, used judiciously and sparingly, is sometimes necessary and effective.

“It does not maintain discipline,” he said, “but the fact that it is there and is known to be there is useful at times.”

When this dearth of canes came to our notice we made some enquiries.

One headmaster said he thought he knew where they could be obtained – but they had to be bought by the dozen. He himself had “inherited” one.

Another headmaster, who said he had used a cane no more than twenty times in the last eleven years, pooh-poohed the story about difficulty in buying one.

He said if our headmaster would send one of his senior boys out to get one he would have no trouble. He had not gone about it in the right way, that was all.

To send one of the boys seemed a good psychological approach, but it was debateable whether he would succeed where the staff had failed.

We tried the toy shop patronised by our own children. The owner of that business had not seen one for years – but then his wife suggested trying an educational supply firm in Birmingham. It was obvious – and successful. Sixpence each.

The next objective, now that the school has an effective cane in the headmaster’s cupboard, is to see that it stays there.

The official cane supplied by Birmingham education department in the 1970s, embossed with its name so only “authorised” canes were used by teachers. Picture credit: Unknown.


School canes ... from a porn shop

More than 4,000 canes for whacking a city’s naughty pupils have been ordered through a SEX SHOP.

The shop sells contact magazines and soft porn books offering a wide variety of services.

Now, embarrassed authorities have launched a probe into the affair.

The canes have been ordered by the Greater London Council’s supplies department for schools run by the Inner London Education Authority.

Supplying them, through the porn shop in a Leeds basement, is Canadian-born Ken Brown.


He makes the canes in his own workshop, but uses the sex shop as an accommodation address.

Last night Robert Mitchell, chairman of the GLC’s professional and general services committee, authorised an investigation into Brown’s connection with the shop.

Said Mr Mitchell: “Brown offered the canes to us at a cheaper price than the previous dealer.

“We have always thought that his address was where the canes were made.

“It is important that we are not involved with a porn shop.

“An investigation will be made into Brown’s alleged connection with it.”

As published in The Daily Mirror, 28 October 1977

Traditional School Discipline



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